Tools to Help You Understand the bible
In-depth research to help bring understanding to those searching for Truth.
"The truth shall make you free".
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In-depth research to help bring understanding to those searching for Truth.
"The truth shall make you free".
Isaiah 28:9-13 has concise instructions on how to read the Bible. We can read it cover to cover like many of us have and still have zero understanding of what scripture is telling us through all of the Law and the Prophets. We must also acknowledge first where UNDERSTANDING comes from. Understanding is Given to us from the Holy Spirit, not all have the holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is only given to those of us who follow the commandments. Christ says this in John 14;15-18, the writers tell us this a few times in the bible as well, this is why I will ATTEMPT to show you how to navigate through the pages of the most amazing book ever written.
We know that learning is easier when you don't have to spend countless hours researching endless amounts of websites, videos, and Documents on the Internet. We must also acknowledge that we are in a time in prophecy that some will gain knowledge in the end times Daniel 12:4 we have been given understanding by DOING what THE MOST HIGH asked us to do. What we are to do is follow the laws and commandments as they were written for us, We do not add nor take away from any of his words or Christ Words, he told us his words were not his but the father's in John 12:47-50
It is necessary for us to study and find the truth!
2 Timothy 2:15
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
I have compiled a plethora of Information from books, the web, from the Holy Spirit, Government websites, and finding the right teachers. All this information is Fair Use and for educational purposes that anyone can find and learn on the Internet. I spent countless hours researching and breaking everything down to downloadable PDF"S with a plethora of information from many different authors/resources, the breakdown of scripture, scientific evidence, thorough bible reading with dictionaries excerpts, Government websites, video teachings and many other resources that are also available to ALL of you. All you have to do is RESEARCH.
You would rather believe the LIE then to spend 1 minute researching anything that I put here for you to challenge.
Time is running out on how easy it is to get this info! The age of information is over, information is being wiped from the internet Daily.
"Troubles are headed our way any day now"
The Most Important thing you can use is a dictionary, whether it's a Merriam Webster or the Zondervan Bible Dictionary, there are a number of books that will give you the proper meaning of a word. This is crucial because it helps clarify words and generate understanding, This prevents you from making your own interpretation or meaning of a word Like FULFILL and DESTROY for example or even CIRCLE. A really good definition is generative, It creates value beyond its intended purpose of describing something effectively. For a definition to be useful it has to be: Precise, Not vague, and not convoluted. It should have as few elements ("moving parts") as possible.
Definition of Definition
The action or the power of describing, explaining, or making definite and clear, a statement of the meaning of a word, word group or a sign or symbol.
The goal of these pages are to show you, that not only did your bible not say that, and if it did I will show you how much you are twisting scripture and using it out of context. Not to condemn you but to educate you on how to read and use scripture correctly. You can HATE me all you want but I will just be showing you scripture, with definitions, backed by more scripture and definitions. If I don't have the definition of a word you don't understand, I highly suggest using a dictionary and not assuming you know what a word means, chances are YOU DON'T just like I thought I did. Sometimes you just have to put all the B.S and your ego behind you and start using the brain
The Most High gave you.
Copyright © 2022 Fear AHAYA, and keep his commandments
All Rights Reserved
Disclaimer: The content on this website is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as advice. This website is not a substitute for your own research, and conclusions. Never take anyone's word for it, as the bible says "Count Every Man A liar" You need to prove what you read on this website and the Internet. In no event shall the owners of this website be liable for any claims, loss, damage or expenses, howsoever arising, out of or in connection with your use of this website. All This Information is Fair Use and for educational purposes only, there is NO medical advice here. The user MUST research everything. No money is made from this website and it's information.